Business Policy

Terms & Conditions

All parents and students are requested to note that enrolments to Kadence Ballet Academy classes, as well as attendance of workshops or any activities and productions organized by the academy, are subject to the terms and conditions below. Kadence Ballet Academy may modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. 

Registration, fees and refunds

  • One invoice will be raised upon registration which will include:
    • SGD $80 registration fee; one off and non-refundable
    • Refundable deposit for Kadence Scholar Program and Kadence Soloists Program students only, subject to the terms in the program contracts;
    • Term fee for the classes;
    • Required class leotard(s)
  • All payments made are non-transferrable and non-refundable (except for the deposit, subject to terms and conditions); students must complete their registration and pay all fees in full before they start attending classes; there will be no refunds for any missed classes. 
  • No refund of fees will be made for withdrawal before the term is over and the remaining lessons will be forfeited.
  • No refunds will be given for missed classes.
  • Kadence Ballet Academy reserves the right to change instructor of a class when necessary; in the event an instructor is changed and class goes on, no refund will be given.
  • No pro-rating of fees except for students joining Kadence Ballet Academy for the first time during the middle of a term.
  • If a class is cancelled due to the sickness of the teacher, a health epidemic or any other seen or unforeseen event, the Academy will endeavour to reschedule the class. This may be on a different day or a different time or both from when the class was originally scheduled and might involve an extension to the term time dates. No refunds will be given in this case.
  • For private classes, a 24 hours’ notice must be given to cancel a class with no fee to be charged. If a less than 24 hours’ notice is given, half the fee will be charged.

Make-up policy

  • 4 Make-up classes per term are offered on the following reasons ONLY:
    • 2 for Illness
    • 2 for overseas holidays or events such as competitions or school exams
  • Kadence Ballet Academy will endeavour to arrange the make-up classes among all suitable lessons that are offered by the academy.
  • Make up classes are only valid within the existing term and no carrying forward to the next term.
  • No changes are allowed after make-up lesson appointments are made and lessons will be forfeited if students do not turn up.
  • No advance make-up lessons are allowed.

Class Etiquettes

  • Dressing code: ballet tights (pink) and ballet shoes; panties that are not visible from outside of the leotard; hair must be neatly in a bun for all classes.
  • Punctuality: Be punctual for class; no extension / rescheduling for late comers.
  • No food or drink (except for water) is allowed in the studios; please keep the studio clean at all times.
  • No mobile phones or other electronic devices are allowed in the studios during classes.
  • Students are expected to be attentive during classes; Kadence Ballet Academy reserves the right to remove anyone who is disruptive or abusive to our staff, teaching faculty and/or classmates during classes with immediate effects.
  • Parents or caretakers for young students must be on time to pick up your child immediately upon class dismissal; Kadence Ballet Academy’s responsibility for minor students begins only when the child is delivered to the class room when a teacher is present in the room till the dismissal of the class.

Royal Academy of Dance Students

  • Kadence Ballet Academy reserve the right and sole discretion to decide whether student is ready to take the RAD exam. The final decision is within the school.
  • All students taking the RAD exam are required to RAD Exam Fee (set each year by the Royal Academy of Dance) and the Kadence Ballet Academy RAD Exam Admin & Preparation Fee (SGD $60) before the RAD registration deadline.
  • NO refund of the RAD Exam Fee and Administrative Fee should student decide not to take the RAD exam.
  • Kadence Ballet Academy reserves the right to use RAD exam results for marketing purposes, including disclosing exam scores.

Accident Waiver and Release of Liability

  • Kadence Ballet Academy is not held responsibility for injury caused and without limiting the generality of the foregoing damage or injury resulting from or caused by any negligence of instructors or other employees. The parent and student agree that Kadence Ballet Academy, and their directors, teachers, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives, or assigns or any persons authorised by the academy shall not be liable or responsible for any and all liability, including, but not limited to, any accident or personal injury sustained or suffered by themselves during any activity connected to the Kadence Ballet Academy programme.
  • Kadence Ballet Academy is not held liable for any losses, claims, damages, costs or expenses in connection with any action or claim brought or made arising during any courses or activities organized by the academy neither within the premise of the academy.
  • Physical contact may be necessary to demonstrate exercises or techniques during classes. If you have any concerns regarding this matter, please contact us.


  • Kadence Ballet Academy reserves all rights over photographs and videos taken during our classes and performances. These materials may be used for our advertisements and publications. Please advise if your child/you is not to be included in any photos/videos. No usage of any form such as copying or reproduction of any materials are allowed without our prior written consent. 
  • Kadence Ballet Academy reserves all rights to update our Terms & Conditions, fees and class schedules without prior notice;